Welcome to SmartsEngine™

Comprehensive Enterprise Software Platform for Running an Ever-Smarter Learning

Organization and Out-Navigating and Out-Evolving the Competition

A Universal, Central, and On-going Challenge. Seizing an Opportunity.

Navigating and evolving an enterprise in the dynamic, competitive international markets and industries of today is a universal, central and on-going challenge to survive and prosper.

Enterprises do everything and anything they can to navigate and evolve well, except one thing.  Enterprises miss that navigating and evolving an enterprise is a developed ability in its own right that can be systematically developed to greater levels and competitive advantage.

SmartsEngine is a platform for seizing this opportunity.

The SmartsEngine Platform

SmartsEngine is a comprehensive, collaborative software platform for planning, decision-making, and navigating an enterprise that fully incorporates active decision science.  It meets and engages an enterprise at its current planning, decision-making, and navigating processes.  It then enables an enterprise, as it uses the platform, to develop its business IQ—its collective ability to read and process the game, navigate, and evolve as a learning organization in its markets and industries—systematically, efficiently, and resiliently to ever-greater levels.  SmartsEngine is entirely designed to enable an enterprise to achieve and exercise competitive advantage at navigating and evolving.

Benefits: Increasing and Optimizing Growth, Performance, and Valuation

As an enterprise gets better at navigating and evolving, it produces greater growth, performance, and valuation.  As it develops its ability to navigate and evolve to competitive advantage, it becomes better than the competition at navigating and evolving into the right company in its markets for the future, which increases and ultimately optimizes growth, performance, and valuation­—what all stakeholders dearly want.

Full Incorporation of Decision Science is the Prime Mover; AI is an Aide

Because AI is all the rage these days, a word about AI’s role here is called for.  While SmartsEngine incorporates AI as well as many analytics tools, AI is an aide and not the prime mover.   Its secret sauce is the full incorporation of active decision science.  Decision science captures the gray matter, evolves processes, and develops an ever-smarter composite brain of all the brains that run, navigate, and evolve a business.  The result is an ever-smarter and more adaptive competitor in its markets and industries,  ever better at:

  • reading the game,
  • seeing opportunities,
  • seeing challenges, risks, and threats,
  • formulating options for dealing with opportunities, challenges, risks, and threats,
  • evaluating options,
  • making and stringing together winning decisions and moves,
  • comprehensively learning and evolving per decision-execution-results cycle.

Understanding the Basis of this New Platform

  • In every non-trivial game, a competitor’s game IQ— its ability to read and process its game, and make winning decisions, plays, and moves—is a competitive factor that can be developed and leveled up. Moreover, it can be developed and leveled up into a competitive advantage, even a dominant competitive advantage, like that of a chess player with a higher or much higher rating.
  • For an enterprise, its game IQ is its business IQ, which is its ability to read and process the game, make winning business decisions, and altogether navigate and evolve in its markets and industries. 

Great Start Up Option

SmartsEngine can Quickly and Easily Start as a Consummate Platform for Integrated Business Planning

If an organization operates an S&OP/IBP process of any level of maturity, SmartsEngine can be quickly and easily implemented as a consummate IBP platform that immediately achieves and exceeds Gartner’s Level V of IBP maturity.  IBP thus makes an excellent place at which SmartsEngine can meet and engage an enterprise’s planning and decision-making processes.  If implemented for IBP, SmartsEngine develops the enterprise’s business IQ within the scope of IBP.

SmartsEngine houses comprehensive planning modules (forecasting, demand,
inventory, supply chain, resource, IBP, financial) and an advanced KPI module as base layer functionality, all of which it transforms within its overarching methodology for business IQ development.

As a consummate IBP platform per se, SmartsEngine maintains a complete and current picture of all IBP opportunities, issues, options, thinking, and plans–eliminating packet prep work and enabling better visibility, fewer surprises, and faster response.  It provides a comprehensive platform for process definition, standardization, adherence, training, certification, evolution, efficiency, and excellence.

SmartsEngine set up for IBP sets the stage for later full deployment across the enterprise.  

Holy Grail Endgame

As SmartsEngine proves itself, it naturally grows beyond IBP or wherever it starts to all functional areas and management levels.  In full implementation, SmartsEngine is for developing and exercising the ability to make and string together winning business decisions and moves of all sorts and thus navigate an enterprise to where business is going and growing, and away from where business is in decline, ahead of the competition.  Viewed holistically, the platform is for out-adapting and out-evolving the competition in markets as a superior learning organization.  Being better at navigating and evolving your enterprise into the right company in your markets for the future increases and ultimately optimizes growth, performance, and valuation­—what all stakeholders dearly want.  In full, it is the Center of Excellence platform of a strategic Chief Business Intelligence Officer’s function reporting to the CEO.

Navigating and Evolving as an Ever-Smarter Competitor is Within Your Reach

See the Power of SmartsEngine Today! Then Hire Us to do a POC at Your Firm!